Source code for zcollection.variable.delayed_array

# Copyright (c) 2023 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Delayed variable arrays.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
import uuid

import dask.array.core
import dask.array.creation
import dask.base
import dask.highlevelgraph
import dask.threaded
import numpy
import zarr

from ..meta import Attribute
from ..type_hints import ArrayLike, NDArray, NDMaskedArray
from .abc import Variable, concat, new_variable, not_equal

#: The dask array getter used to access the data.
GETTER: Callable = dask.array.core.getter

def _blockdims_from_blockshape(
        shape: tuple[int, ...],
        chunks: tuple[int, ...]) -> tuple[tuple[int, ...], ...]:
    """Convert a blockshape to a blockdims tuple."""
    return tuple(((chunk_item, ) * (shape_item // chunk_item) +
                  ((shape_item % chunk_item, ) if shape_item %
                   chunk_item else ()) if shape_item else (0, ))
                 for shape_item, chunk_item in zip(shape, chunks))

[docs] def from_zarr_array( array: zarr.Array, shape: Sequence[int], chunks: Sequence[int], name: str, *, lock: bool = False, asarray=True, inline_array=True, ) -> dask.array.core.Array: """Convert a Zarr array to a Dask array with the specified shape and chunks. Args: array: The Zarr array to convert. shape: The desired shape of the resulting Dask array. chunks: The desired chunk shape of the resulting Dask array. name: The name of the resulting Dask array. lock: Whether to use a lock to protect the underlying data store. asarray: Whether to return the resulting Dask array as an array. inline_array: Whether to inline the resulting array data in the tasks. Returns: A Dask array equivalent to the provided Zarr array. """ dsk: dask.highlevelgraph.HighLevelGraph normalized_chunks: tuple[tuple[int, ...], ...] normalized_chunks = sum( # type: ignore[return-value] (_blockdims_from_blockshape( (shape_item, ), (chunk_item, )) if not isinstance(chunk_item, (tuple, list)) else (chunk_item, ) for shape_item, chunk_item in zip(shape, chunks)), (), ) dsk = dask.array.core.graph_from_arraylike( array, normalized_chunks, shape, name, getitem=GETTER, lock=lock, asarray=asarray, dtype=array.dtype, inline_array=inline_array, ) return dask.array.core.Array(dsk, name, normalized_chunks, meta=array, dtype=array.dtype)
def _as_dask_array( arr: Any, *, fill_value: Any | None = None, ) -> tuple[dask.array.core.Array, Any]: """Convert an array-like object to a dask array. Args: arr: An array-like object. fill_value: The fill value. Returns: If the data provided is a masked array, the functions return the array with masked data replaced by its fill value and the fill value of the offered masked array. Otherwise, the provided array and fill value. """ result: dask.array.core.Array = dask.array.core.asarray(arr) _meta: Any = result._meta # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(_meta, if fill_value is not None and not_equal(fill_value, _meta.fill_value): raise ValueError( f'The fill value {fill_value!r} does not match the fill value ' f'{_meta.fill_value!r} of the array.') return, _meta.fill_value), _meta.fill_value return result, fill_value
[docs] class ModifiedVariableError(RuntimeError): """Raised when a variable has been modified since is was initialized.""" def __str__(self) -> str: """Get the string representation of the exception. Returns: The string representation of the exception. """ return ('You tried to access the data of a variable that has been ' 'modified since its initialization. Try to re-load the ' 'dataset.')
[docs] class DelayedArray(Variable): """Access to the chunked data using Dask arrays. Args: name: Name of the variable data: Variable data dimensions: Variable dimensions attrs: Variable attributes compressor: Compression codec fill_value: Value to use for uninitialized values filters: Filters to apply before writing data to disk """ def __init__(self, name: str, data: ArrayLike[Any], dimensions: Sequence[str], *, attrs: Sequence[Attribute] | None = None, compressor: | None = None, fill_value: Any | None = None, filters: Sequence[] | None = None) -> None: array: dask.array.core.Array array, fill_value = _as_dask_array(data, fill_value=fill_value) # pylint: disable=duplicate-code # The code is not duplicated, we need to call the parent constructor, # but pylint does not understand that. super().__init__( name, array, dimensions, attrs=attrs, compressor=compressor, fill_value=fill_value, filters=filters, ) # pylint: enable=duplicate-code @property def data(self) -> dask.array.core.Array: """Return the underlying dask array where values equal to the fill value are masked. If no fill value is set, the returned array is the same as the underlying array. Returns: The dask array .. seealso:: :meth:`Variable.array` """ # If the fill value is None, or if the dask array already holds a # masked array, return the underlying array. # pylint: disable=protected-access # No other way to check if the dask array is a masked array. if (self.fill_value is None or isinstance(self.array._meta, return self.array # pylint: enable=protected-access return, self.fill_value) @property def values(self) -> NDArray | NDMaskedArray: """Return the variable data as a numpy array. .. note:: If the variable has a fill value, the result is a masked array where masked values are equal to the fill value. Returns: The variable data """ return self.compute() @values.setter def values(self, data: ArrayLike[Any]) -> None: """Defines the underlying dask array. If the data provided is a masked array, it's converted to an array, where the masked values are replaced by its fill value, and its fill value becomes the new fill value of this instance. Otherwise, the underlying array is defined as the new data and the fill value is set to None. Args: data: The new data to use Raises: ValueError: If the shape of the data does not match the shape of the stored data. """ if len(data.shape) != len(self.dimensions): raise ValueError('data shape does not match variable dimensions') self.array, self.fill_value = _as_dask_array( data, fill_value=self.fill_value)
[docs] def persist(self, **kwargs) -> DelayedArray: """Persist the variable data into memory. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`dask.array.Array.persist`. Returns: The variable """ self.array = dask.base.persist(self.array, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def compute(self, **kwargs) -> NDArray | NDMaskedArray: """Return the variable data as a numpy array. .. note:: If the variable has a fill value, the result is a masked array where masked values are equal to the fill value. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`dask.array.Array.compute`. """ try: values: NDArray values, = dask.base.compute(self.array, traverse=False, **kwargs) except ValueError as exc: msg = str(exc) if 'cannot reshape' in msg or 'buffer too small' in msg: raise ModifiedVariableError() from exc raise return values if self.fill_value is None else values, self.fill_value)
[docs] def fill(self) -> DelayedArray: """Fill the variable with the fill value. If the variable has no fill value, this method does nothing. Returns: The variable. """ if self.fill_value is not None: self.array = dask.array.creation.full_like(self.array, self.fill_value) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_zarr(cls, array: zarr.Array, name: str, dimension: str, **kwargs) -> DelayedArray: """Create a new variable from a zarr array. Args: array: The zarr array name: Name of the variable dimension: Name of the attribute that defines the dimensions of the variable **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`dask.array.from_array` Returns: The variable """ attrs = tuple( Attribute(k, v) for k, v in array.attrs.items() if k != dimension) data: dask.array.core.Array = from_zarr_array( array, array.shape, array.chunks, name=f'{name}-{uuid.uuid1()}', **kwargs, ) # pylint: disable=duplicate-code # This call is similar to the one in but it's not the same # behaviour. return new_variable(cls, name=name, array=data, dimensions=array.attrs[dimension], attrs=attrs, compressor=array.compressor, fill_value=array.fill_value, filters=tuple(array.filters or ()))
# pylint: enable=duplicate-code
[docs] def concat(self, other: DelayedArray | Sequence[DelayedArray], dim: str) -> DelayedArray: """Concatenate this variable with another variable or a list of variables along a dimension. Args: other: Variable or list of variables to concatenate with this variable. dim: Dimension to concatenate along. Returns: New variable. Raises: ValueError: if the variables provided is an empty sequence. """ return concat(self, other, dask.array.core.concatenate, dim)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any: """Get a slice of the variable. Args: key: Slice or index to use. Returns: The variable slice. """ return[key]
[docs] def rechunk(self, **kwargs) -> DelayedArray: """Rechunk the variable. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`dask.array.rechunk` Returns: The variable. """ # pylint: disable=duplicate-code # False positive with the method concat. return new_variable(type(self),, array=self.array.rechunk(**kwargs), dimensions=self.dimensions, attrs=self.attrs, compressor=self.compressor, fill_value=self.fill_value, filters=self.filters)
# pylint: enable=duplicate-code
[docs] def to_dask_array(self): """Return the underlying dask array. Returns: The underlying dask array .. seealso:: :func:`dask.array.asarray` """ return
[docs] def __dask_graph__(self) -> Mapping | None: """Return the dask Graph.""" return
[docs] def __dask_keys__(self) -> list: """Return the output keys for the Dask graph.""" return
[docs] def __dask_layers__(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Return the layers for the Dask graph.""" return
[docs] def __dask_tokenize__(self) -> Any: """Return the token for the Dask graph.""" return dask.base.normalize_token( (type(self),,, self.dimensions, self.attrs, self.fill_value))
[docs] @staticmethod def __dask_optimize__(dsk: MutableMapping, keys: list, **kwargs) -> MutableMapping: """Returns whether the Dask graph can be optimized. .. seealso:: :meth:`dask.array.Array.__dask_optimize__` """ return dask.array.core.Array.__dask_optimize__(dsk, keys, **kwargs)
#: The default scheduler get to use for this object. __dask_scheduler__ = staticmethod(dask.threaded.get)
[docs] def _dask_finalize(self, results, array_func, *args, **kwargs) -> DelayedArray: """Finalize the computation of the variable.""" array: Any = array_func(results, *args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(array, dask.array.core.Array): array = dask.array.core.from_array(array) # pylint: disable=duplicate-code # False positive with the method metadata defined in the base class. return new_variable(type(self),, array=array, dimensions=self.dimensions, attrs=self.attrs, compressor=self.compressor, fill_value=self.fill_value, filters=self.filters)
# pylint: enable=duplicate-code
[docs] def __dask_postcompute__(self) -> tuple: """Return the finalizer and extra arguments to convert the computed results into their in-memory representation.""" array_func: Callable array_args: tuple array_func, array_args = return self._dask_finalize, (array_func, ) + array_args
[docs] def __dask_postpersist__(self) -> tuple: """Return the rebuilder and extra arguments to rebuild an equivalent Dask collection from a persisted or rebuilt graph.""" array_func: Callable array_args: tuple array_func, array_args = return self._dask_finalize, (array_func, ) + array_args