
Required dependencies#


pyarrow is optional, but required if you want to use the indexing API.


Installation via conda#

The easiest way to install the library is to use conda. First, install the dependencies:

$ conda install -c conda-forge zcollection

Installation via conda and sources#

It is possible to install the latest version from source. First, install the dependencies using conda:

$ conda install dask distributed fsspec numcodecs numpy pandas pyarrow xarray zarr

Then, clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd zcollection

Finally, install the library using pip (it is possible to checkout a different branch before installing):

$ pip install .

Installation via pip#

$ pip install zcollection


To run the test suite after installing the library, install (via pypi or conda) pytest and run pytest in the root directory of the cloned repository.

The unit test process can be modified using options implemented for this project, in addition to the options provided by pytest. The available user options are:

  • s3: Enable tests on the local S3 server driven by minio. (default: False)

  • memory: Use a file system in memory instead of the local file system. (default: False)

  • threads_per_worker: Number of threads for each worker Dask. (default: the number of logical cores of the target platform).

  • n_workers: Number of core for each worker Dask. (default: the number of cores of the target platform).

To run the tests using a local S3 server, driven by the minio software, it’s necessary to install the following optional requirements:

You will need to install the minio program. You can find more information on this web page.


The documentation use sphinx and Google-style docstrings. To build the documentation, run make html in the docs directory.