Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2023 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Partitioning by date
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, ClassVar, Iterator, Sequence
import datetime

import dask.array.core
import numpy

from . import abc
from ..type_hints import ArrayLike, NDArray

#: Numpy time units
RESOLUTION = ('Y', 'M', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's')

#: Numpy time unit meanings
UNITS = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second')

#: Data type for time units
DATA_TYPES = ('uint16', 'uint8', 'uint8', 'uint8', 'uint8', 'uint8')

#: Time separation units
SEPARATORS: dict[str, str] = {
    'year': '-',
    'month': '-',
    'day': 'T',
    'hour': ':',
    'minute': ':',
    'second': '.'

def _unique(arr: ArrayLike, is_delayed: bool) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]:
    """Return unique elements and their indices.

        arr: Array of elements.
        is_delayed: If True, the array is delayed.
        Tuple of unique elements and their indices.
        ValueError: If the array is not monotonic.
    index: NDArray
    indices: NDArray

    if is_delayed:
        index, indices = abc.unique(arr)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        # We don't use here the function `numpy.diff` but `abc.difference` for
        # optimization purposes.
        if not numpy.all(
                abc.difference(index.view(numpy.int64)) >= 0):  # type: ignore
            raise ValueError('index is not monotonic')
        return index, indices
    return abc.unique_and_check_monotony(arr)

[docs] class Date(abc.Partitioning): """Initialize a partitioning scheme based on dates. Args: variables: A list of strings representing the variables to be used for partitioning. resolution: Time resolution of the partitioning. Must be in :data:`RESOLUTION`. Raises: ValueError: If the resolution is not in the list of supported resolutions or if the partitioning is not performed on a one dimensional variable. Example: >>> partitioning = Date(variables=("time", ), resolution="Y") """ __slots__ = ('_attrs', '_index', 'resolution') #: The ID of the partitioning scheme ID: ClassVar[str] = 'Date' def __init__(self, variables: Sequence[str], resolution: str) -> None: if len(variables) != 1: raise ValueError( 'Partitioning on dates is performed on a single variable.') if resolution not in RESOLUTION: raise ValueError('resolution must be in: ' + ', '.join(RESOLUTION)) index: int = RESOLUTION.index(resolution) + 1 #: The time resolution of the partitioning self.resolution: str = resolution #: The time parts used for the partitioning self._attrs: tuple[str, ...] = UNITS[:index + 1] #: The indices of the time parts used for the partitioning self._index = tuple(range(index)) super().__init__(variables, tuple(DATA_TYPES[ix] for ix in self._index))
[docs] def _keys(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Return the keys of the partitioning scheme.""" return tuple(UNITS[ix] for ix in self._index)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ # False positive: the base method is static.
[docs] def _partition( # type: ignore[override] self, selection: tuple[tuple[str, Any], ...], ) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Return the partitioning scheme for the given selection.""" datetime64: NDArray = selection[0][1] py_datetime: datetime.datetime = datetime64.astype('M8[s]').item() return tuple(UNITS[ix] + '=' + f'{getattr(py_datetime, self._attrs[ix]):02d}' for ix in self._index)
# pylint: enable=arguments-differ
[docs] def _split( self, variables: dict[str, ArrayLike], ) -> Iterator[abc.Partition]: """Return the partitioning scheme for the given variables.""" index: NDArray indices: NDArray name: str values: ArrayLike # Determine if the variables are handled by Dask. is_delayed: bool = any( isinstance(value, dask.array.core.Array) for value in variables.values()) name, values = tuple(variables.items())[0] if not numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, numpy.dtype('datetime64')): raise TypeError('values must be a datetime64 array') index, indices = _unique( values.astype(f'datetime64[{self.resolution}]'), is_delayed) indices = abc.concatenate_item(indices, values.size) return ((((name, date), ), slice(start, indices[ix + 1], None)) for date, (ix, start) in zip(index, enumerate(indices[:-1])))
[docs] @staticmethod def _stringify(partition: tuple[tuple[str, int], ...]) -> str: """Return a string representation of the partitioning scheme.""" string = ''.join(f'{value:02d}' + SEPARATORS[item] for item, value in partition) if string[-1] in SEPARATORS.values(): string = string[:-1] return string
[docs] @staticmethod def join(partition_scheme: tuple[tuple[str, int], ...], sep: str) -> str: """Join a partitioning scheme. Args: partition_scheme: The partitioning scheme to be joined. sep: The separator to be used. Returns: The joined partitioning scheme. Example: >>> partitioning = Date(variables=("time", ), resolution="D") >>> partitioning.join((("year", 2020), ("month", 1), ("day", 1)), ... "/") 'year=2020/month=01/day=01' """ return sep.join(f'{k}={v:02d}' for k, v in partition_scheme)
[docs] def encode( self, partition: tuple[tuple[str, int], ...], ) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """Encode a partitioning scheme. Args: partition: The partitioning scheme to be encoded. Returns: The encoded partitioning scheme. Example: >>> partitioning = Date(variables=("time", ), resolution="D") >>> fields = partitioning.parse("year=2020/month=01/day=01") >>> fields (("year", 2020), ("month", 1), ("day", 1)) >>> partitioning.encode(fields) (numpy.datetime64('2020-01-01'),) """ return (numpy.datetime64(self._stringify(partition)), )
[docs] def decode( self, values: tuple[Any, ...], ) -> tuple[tuple[str, int], ...]: """Decode a partitioning scheme. Args: values: The partitioning scheme to be decoded. Returns: The decoded partitioning scheme. Example: >>> partitioning = Date(variables=("time", ), resolution="D") >>> partitioning.decode((numpy.datetime64('2020-01-01'), )) (("year", 2020), ("month", 1), ("day", 1)) """ datetime64: NDArray = values[0] py_datetime: datetime.datetime = datetime64.astype('M8[s]').item() return tuple((UNITS[ix], getattr(py_datetime, self._attrs[ix])) for ix in self._index)