Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2023 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Partitioning scheme.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import (
import abc
import collections
import re

import dask.array.core
import dask.array.creation
import dask.array.reductions
import dask.array.wrap
import fsspec
import numpy

from .. import dataset
from ..type_hints import ArrayLike, DTypeLike, NDArray

#: Object that represents a partitioning scheme
Partition = Tuple[Tuple[Tuple[str, Any], ...], slice]

#: The callable that parses the partitioning scheme
PatternType = Callable[[str], Optional[Match[str]]]

#: Allowed data types for partitioning schemes
DATA_TYPES = ('int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32',

def _logical_or_reduce(
    arr: dask.array.core.Array,
    axis: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None,
) -> dask.array.core.Array:
    """Implementation of `numpy.logical_or` reduction with dask.

        arr: Array to reduce.
        axis: Axis to reduce. If this is None, a reduction is performed over
            all the axes. If this is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed
            on multiple axes, instead of a single axis or all the axes as
        Reduced array.
    axis = axis or 0

    #: pylint: disable=unused-argument
    # The function signature is required by the `dask.array.reduce` function.
    def chunk(block, axis, keepdims) -> Any:
        return block

    def aggregate(block, axis, keepdims) -> Any:
        return numpy.logical_or.reduce(block, axis=axis)

    #: pylint: enable=unused-argument

    return dask.array.reductions.reduction(
        arr[1:] != arr[:-1],  # type: ignore

[docs] def unique(arr: dask.array.core.Array) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """Return unique elements and their indices. Args: arr: Array of elements. Returns: Tuple of unique elements and their indices. """ size: int = arr.shape[0] chunks: tuple[int, ...] = arr.chunks[0] #: pylint: disable=not-callable mask: dask.array.core.Array = dask.array.wrap.empty((size, ), dtype=numpy.bool_, chunks=chunks) #: pylint: enable=not-callable mask[0] = True mask[1:] = (_logical_or_reduce(arr, axis=1) if arr.ndim > 1 else arr[1:] != arr[:-1]) dtype: DTypeLike = numpy.uint32 if size < 2**32 else numpy.uint64 indices: dask.array.core.Array = dask.array.creation.arange( size, dtype=dtype, chunks=chunks, # type: ignore[arg-type] ) mask = mask.persist() return arr[mask].compute(), indices[mask].compute()
[docs] def unique_and_check_monotony(arr: ArrayLike) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """Return unique elements and their indices. Args: arr: Array of elements. is_delayed: If True, the array is delayed. Returns: Tuple of unique elements and their indices. """ index: NDArray indices: NDArray index, indices = numpy.unique(arr, axis=0, return_index=True) if not numpy.all(numpy.diff(indices) > 0): raise ValueError('index is not monotonic') return index, indices
[docs] def difference(arr: NDArray) -> NDArray: """Calculate the difference between each element in the array and the previous element. Args: arr: Array to calculate the difference for. Returns: Array of differences """ return arr[1:] - arr[:-1] # type: ignore
[docs] def concatenate_item(arr: NDArray, item: Any) -> NDArray: """Concatenate an array with a given item. Args: arr: Array to concatenate. item: Item to concatenate. Returns: Concatenated array. """ return numpy.concatenate([arr, numpy.array([item], dtype=arr.dtype)])
[docs] def list_partitions( fs: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, path: str, depth: int, *, root: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[str]: """The number of variables used for partitioning. The function will go down the tree and return all the files present when the requested depth is reached. Args: fs: file system object path: path to the directory depth: maximum depth of the directory tree. root: if True, the path is the root of the tree. Returns: Iterator of (path, directories, files). """ if depth == -1: return StopIteration() if root: folders = map( lambda info: info['name'].rstrip('/'), filter( lambda info: info['type'] == 'directory' and not info['name']. split(fs.sep)[-1].startswith('.'),, detail=True), ), ) # If we're partitioning at top level (example: by year) if depth == 0: yield from folders return StopIteration() for pathname in folders: yield from list_partitions(fs, pathname, depth=depth - 1, root=False) return StopIteration() if depth == 0: yield from, detail=False) return StopIteration() for item in, detail=False): yield from list_partitions(fs, item, depth=depth - 1, root=False) return StopIteration()
[docs] class Partitioning(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Initializes a new Partitioning instance. Args: variables: A list of strings representing the variables to be used for partitioning. dtype: An optional sequence of strings representing the data type used to store variable values in a binary representation without data loss. Must be one of the following allowed data types: ``int8``, ``int16``, ``int32``, ``int64``, ``uint8``, ``uint16``, ``uint32``, ``uint64``. If not provided, defaults to ``int64`` for all variables. Raises: TypeError: If dtype is not a sequence of strings. ValueError: If any of the data types provided is not one of the allowed data types. """ __slots__ = ('_dtype', '_pattern', 'variables') #: The ID of the partitioning scheme ID: ClassVar[str | None] = None def __init__(self, variables: Sequence[str], dtype: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> None: if isinstance(dtype, str): raise TypeError('dtype must be a sequence of strings') if len(variables) == 0: raise ValueError('variables must not be empty') #: Variables to be used for the partitioning. self.variables = tuple(variables) #: Data type used to store variable values in a binary representation #: without data loss. self._dtype: tuple[str, ...] = tuple( dtype) if dtype is not None else ('int64', ) * len(self.variables) #: The regular expression that matches the partitioning scheme. self._pattern: PatternType = self._regex().search if len(set(self._dtype) - set(DATA_TYPES)) != 0: raise ValueError( f"Data type must be one of {', '.join(DATA_TYPES)}.")
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of partitions.""" return len(self._dtype)
[docs] def dtype(self) -> tuple[tuple[str, str], ...]: """Return the data type of the partitioning scheme.""" return tuple(zip(self._keys(), self._dtype))
[docs] def _keys(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Return the different keys of a partition.""" return self.variables
[docs] def _regex(self) -> re.Pattern: """Return a regular expression that matches the partitioning scheme.""" return re.compile('.'.join(f'({item})=(.*)' for item in self._keys()))
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def _split( self, variables: dict[str, ArrayLike], ) -> Iterator[Partition]: """Split the variables constituting the partitioning into partitioning schemes. Args: variables: The variables to be split constituting the partitioning scheme. Returns: A sequence of tuples that contains the partitioning scheme and the associated indexer to divide the dataset on each partition found.. """
[docs] @staticmethod def _partition(selection: tuple[tuple[str, Any], ...]) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Format the partitioning scheme.""" return tuple(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in selection)
[docs] def index_dataset( self, zds: dataset.Dataset, ) -> Iterator[Partition]: """Yield the indexing scheme for the given dataset. Args: zds: The dataset to be indexed. Yields: The indexing scheme for the partitioning scheme. Raises: ValueError: if one of the variables needs for the partitioning is not monotonic. """ variables = collections.OrderedDict( (name, zds.variables[name].array) for name in self.variables) if zds.delayed: # If the dask array is too chunked, the calculation is excessively # long. return self._split({ name: arr.rechunk().persist() for name, arr in variables.items() }) return self._split(variables)
[docs] def split_dataset( self, zds: dataset.Dataset, axis: str, ) -> Iterator[tuple[tuple[str, ...], dict[str, slice]]]: """Split the dataset into partitions. Args: zds: The dataset to be split. axis: The axis to be used for the splitting. Yields: The partitioning scheme and the indexer to divide the dataset on each partition found. Raises: ValueError: if one of the variables needs for the partitioning is not a one-dimensional array. """ for item in self.variables: if len(zds.variables[item].shape) != 1: raise ValueError(f'f{item!r} must be a one-dimensional array') return ((self._partition(selection), { axis: indexer }) for selection, indexer in self.index_dataset(zds))
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the configuration of the partitioning scheme. Returns: The configuration of the partitioning scheme. """ config: dict[str, str | None] = {'id': self.ID} slots: Generator[tuple[str, ...], None, None] = (getattr( _class, '__slots__', ()) for _class in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__)) config.update((attr, getattr(self, attr)) for _class in slots for attr in _class if not attr.startswith('_')) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config) -> Partitioning: """Create a partitioning scheme from a configuration. Args: config: The configuration of the partitioning scheme. Returns: The partitioning scheme. """ return cls(**config)
[docs] def parse(self, partition: str) -> tuple[tuple[str, int], ...]: """Parse a partitioning scheme. Args: partition: The partitioning scheme to be parsed. Returns: The parsed partitioning scheme. Raises: ValueError: if the partitioning scheme is not driven by this instance. """ match: Match[str] | None = self._pattern(partition) if match is None: raise ValueError( f'Partition is not driven by this instance: {partition}') groups: tuple[str, ...] = match.groups() return tuple(zip(groups[::2], map(int, groups[1::2])))
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def encode( self, partition: tuple[tuple[str, int], ...], ) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """Encode a partitioning scheme to the handled values. Args: partition: The partitioning scheme to be encoded. Returns: The encoded partitioning scheme. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def decode(self, values: tuple[Any, ...]) -> tuple[tuple[str, int], ...]: """Decode a partitioning scheme. Args: values: The encoded partitioning scheme. Returns: The decoded partitioning scheme. """
[docs] @staticmethod def join(partition_scheme: tuple[tuple[str, int], ...], sep: str) -> str: """Join a partitioning scheme. Args: partition_scheme: The partitioning scheme to be joined. sep: The separator to be used. Returns: The joined partitioning scheme. """ return sep.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in partition_scheme)
[docs] def list_partitions( self, fs: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, path: str, ) -> Iterator[str]: """List the partitions. Args: fs: The filesystem to be used. path: The path to the directory containing the partitions. Yields: The partitions. """ yield from sorted(list_partitions(fs, path, depth=len(self) - 1), key=self.parse)