Source code for zcollection.meta

# Copyright (c) 2023 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Configuration metadata
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Iterable, Sequence
import abc

import numpy
import zarr.codecs
import zarr.meta

from .type_hints import DTypeLike

#: Block size limit used with dask arrays. (128 MiB)
BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT = 134217728

[docs] class Pair(abc.ABC): """Handle pair key/value. Args: name: name of the key. value: value of the key. """ __slots__ = ('name', 'value') def __init__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: #: Name of the key. str = name #: Value of the key. self.value: Any = self._encode(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def _encode(value: Any) -> Any: """Encode an attribute value as something that can be serialized as JSON.""" if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): return value.tolist() if isinstance(value, numpy.generic): return value.item() return value
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({!r}, {self.value})'
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Pair): return False return self.get_config() == other.get_config()
[docs] def get_config(self) -> tuple[str, Any]: """Get the key/value pair configuration.""" return, self.value
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_config(data: tuple[str, Any]) -> Pair: """Create a new Pair from the given key/value pair configuration."""
[docs] class Dimension(Pair): """Handle the metadata of a dataset dimension. Args: name: name of the dimension. value: value of the dimension. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_config(data: tuple[str, Any]) -> Dimension: """Creates a new instance from its metadata. Returns: Dimension: a new dimension. """ return Dimension(*data)
[docs] class Attribute(Pair): """Handle the metadata of a dataset attribute. Args: name: name of the attribute. value: value of the attribute. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_config(data: tuple[str, Any]) -> Attribute: """Create a new instance from its metadata. Args: data: attribute configuration. Returns: Attribute: a new attribute. """ return Attribute(*data)
[docs] class Variable: """Handle the metadata of a dataset variable. Args: name: Name of the variable. dtype: Data type of the variable. dimensions: Names of the dimensions of the variable. Defaults to None. attrs: Attributes of the variable. Defaults to None. compressor: Compression codec for the variable. Defaults to None. fill_value: Fill value for the variable. Defaults to None. filters: Filters for the variable. Defaults to None. Warning: If the variable uses filters, the ``fill_value`` parameter must be the value that results from decoding the filter. For example, if the filter is ``FixedScaleOffset(0, 1000)`` and the desired ``fill_value`` is ``65536``, then the ``fill_value`` parameter must be ``65536 / 1000 = 65.536``. """ __slots__ = ('attrs', 'compressor', 'dimensions', 'dtype', 'fill_value', 'filters', 'name') def __init__(self, name: str, dtype: DTypeLike, *, dimensions: Sequence[str] | None = None, attrs: Sequence[Attribute] | None = None, compressor: | None = None, fill_value: Any | None = None, filters: Sequence[] | None = None) -> None: attrs = attrs or () #: Attributes of the variable. self.attrs = tuple(attrs) #: Compression codec for the variable. self.compressor: | None = compressor #: Dimensions of the variable. self.dimensions = tuple(dimensions or ()) #: Data type of the variable. self.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) #: Fill value for the variable. self.fill_value: Any | None = fill_value #: Filter codecs for the variable. self.filters = tuple(filters or ()) #: Variable name. str = name
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})'
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Variable): return False return self.get_config() == other.get_config()
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the variable metadata. Returns: variable configuration. """ compressor: | None compressor_config: dict[str, None] | None compressor = self.compressor compressor_config = compressor.get_config( ) if compressor is not None else None return { 'attrs': sorted(item.get_config() for item in self.attrs), 'compressor': compressor_config, 'dimensions': self.dimensions, 'dtype': zarr.meta.encode_dtype(self.dtype), 'fill_value': zarr.meta.encode_fill_value(self.fill_value, self.dtype), 'filters': tuple(item.get_config() for item in self.filters), 'name':, }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_config(data: dict[str, Any]) -> Variable: """Create a new variable from the given variable configuration. Args: data: variable configuration. Returns: new variable. """ def get_codec(codec) -> | None: """Get the codec from its configuration.""" return zarr.codecs.get_codec(codec) if codec is not None else None dtype: DTypeLike = zarr.meta.decode_dtype(data['dtype']) filters: Sequence[] = tuple( zarr.codecs.get_codec(item) for item in data['filters'] if item is not None) return Variable( data['name'], dtype, dimensions=data['dimensions'], attrs=tuple(Attribute.from_config(item) for item in data['attrs']), compressor=get_codec(data['compressor']), fill_value=zarr.meta.decode_fill_value(data['fill_value'], dtype), filters=filters, )
[docs] def set_for_insertion(self) -> Variable: """Create a new variable without any attribute. Returns: The variable. """ return Variable(, self.dtype, dimensions=self.dimensions, compressor=self.compressor, fill_value=self.fill_value, filters=self.filters)
[docs] class Dataset: """Handle the metadata of a dataset. Args: dimensions: A sequence of strings representing the dimensions of the dataset. variables: A sequence of :py:class:`Variable` objects representing the variables of the dataset. attrs: An optional sequence of :py:class:`Attribute` objects representing the attributes of the dataset. Defaults to None. chunks: An optional sequence of :py:class:`Dimension` objects representing the chunk size for each dimension. Defaults to None. block_size_limit: An optional integer representing the maximum size (in bytes) of a block/chunk of variable's data. """ __slots__ = ('dimensions', 'variables', 'attrs', 'chunks', 'block_size_limit') def __init__(self, dimensions: Sequence[str], variables: Sequence[Variable], *, attrs: Sequence[Attribute] | None = None, chunks: Sequence[Dimension] | None = None, block_size_limit: int | None = None) -> None: #: Dimensions of the dataset. self.dimensions = tuple(dimensions) #: Variables of the dataset. self.variables: dict[str, Variable] = { item for item in variables } #: Attributes of the dataset. self.attrs = list(attrs or []) #: Maximum data chunk size self.block_size_limit: int = block_size_limit or BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT #: Chunk size for each dimension self.chunks = list(chunks or [])
[docs] def select_variables( self, keep_variables: Iterable[str] | None = None, drop_variables: Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> set[str]: """Select variables to keep or drop from the dataset. Args: keep_variables: A list of variables to retain from the Dataset. If None, all variables are kept. drop_variables: A list of variables to exclude from the Dataset. If None, no variables are dropped. Returns: The selected variables. """ result = set(self.variables) if keep_variables is not None: result &= set(keep_variables) if drop_variables is not None: result -= set(drop_variables) return result
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Dataset): return False return self.get_config() == other.get_config()
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the dataset metadata. Returns: Dataset configuration. """ attrs: list[tuple[str, Any]] variables: tuple[dict[str, Any], ...] attrs = sorted(item.get_config() for item in self.attrs) variables = tuple(self.variables[name].get_config() for name in sorted(self.variables)) return { 'attrs': attrs, 'dimensions': self.dimensions, 'variables': variables, 'chunks': tuple(item.get_config() for item in self.chunks), 'block_size_limit': self.block_size_limit }
[docs] def add_variable(self, variable: Variable) -> None: """Add a variable to the dataset. Args: variable: variable to add. Raises: TypeError: If the variable is not a Variable object. ValueError: If the variable already exists in the dataset or if the variable's dimensions do not match the dataset's dimensions. """ if not isinstance(variable, Variable): raise TypeError( f'variable must be a Variable, not {type(variable)}') if in self.variables: raise ValueError( f'The variable {!r} already exists in the ' 'collection.') dimensions = set(self.dimensions) # Looking for unknown dimensions. if (set(variable.dimensions) | dimensions) != dimensions: raise ValueError( 'The new variable must use the dataset dimensions.') self.variables[] = variable
[docs] @staticmethod def from_config(data: dict[str, Any]) -> Dataset: """Create a new dataset from the given dataset configuration. Args: data: dataset configuration. Returns: New dataset. """ return Dataset( dimensions=data['dimensions'], variables=tuple( Variable.from_config(item) for item in data['variables']), attrs=tuple(Attribute.from_config(item) for item in data['attrs']), chunks=tuple( Dimension.from_config(item) for item in data.get('chunks', [])), block_size_limit=data.get('block_size_limit'), )
[docs] def search_same_dimensions_as(self, variable: Variable) -> Variable: """Searches for a variable in this dataset that has the same dimensions as the given variable. Args: variable: The variable used for searching. Returns: The variable that has the same dimensions as the supplied variable. Raises: ValueError: If no variable with the same dimensions as the given variable is found. """ for item in self.variables.values(): if item.dimensions == variable.dimensions: return item raise ValueError('No variable using the same dimensions exists.')
[docs] def missing_variables(self, other: Dataset) -> tuple[str, ...]: """Finds the variables in the provided dataset that are not in this instance. Args: other: The dataset to compare against. Returns: A tuple containing the names of the variables that are defined in this dataset but not in the provided dataset. Raises: ValueError: If the provided dataset does not define one or more variables that are defined in this dataset. """ this = set(self.variables) others = set(other.variables) if len(others - this): raise ValueError('The reference dataset does not define the ' f'{", ".join(others - this)} variables that are ' 'defined in this dataset.') return tuple(this - others)
[docs] def select_variables_by_dims(self, dims: Sequence[str], predicate: bool = True) -> set[str]: """Select variables that have at least one dimension in the given dimensions depending on the predicate. Args: dims: A sequence of dimensions to select. predicate: A boolean value that determines whether to select variables that have the given dimensions (True) or variables that don't have the given dimensions (False). Returns: A set of variable names that have the given dimensions (if predicate is True) or don't have the given dimensions (if predicate is False). """ if len(dims) == 0: return { name for name, var in self.variables.items() if (len(var.dimensions) == 0) == predicate } set_of_dims = set(dims) return { name for name, var in self.variables.items() if bool(set(var.dimensions) & set_of_dims) == predicate }