Source code for zcollection.merging.period

# Copyright (c) 2023 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Time period
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Callable, Match
import enum
import re

import numpy

from ..type_hints import DType

# Parse the unit of numpy.timedelta64.
PATTERN: Callable[[str], Match[str] | None] = re.compile(

#: Numpy time units
RESOLUTION = ('as', 'fs', 'ps', 'ns', 'us', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h', 'D', 'W', 'M',

def _time64_unit(dtype: DType[Any]) -> str:
    """Get the unit of time."""
    match: Match[str] | None = PATTERN(
    if match is None:
        raise ValueError(f'dtype is not a time duration: {dtype}')

def _min_time64_unit(*args: DType[Any]) -> str:
    """Get the minimum unit of time."""
    index = min(RESOLUTION.index(_time64_unit(item)) for item in args)
    return RESOLUTION[index]

[docs] class PeriodRelation(enum.IntEnum): """Enumeration of the relations which can exist between two periods.""" __slots__ = () #: The first period is after. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [-p2-] AFTER = 0 #: The first period is after, but the start date of the first period is #: the same date as the end date of the second period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [-p2-] START_TOUCHING = 1 #: The start date of the first period is inside the second period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [-p2-] START_INSIDE = 2 #: The start date of the first period is same as the first date of the #: second period and the end date is inside the first period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [-------p2-------] INSIDE_START_TOUCHING = 3 #: The first period is inside the second period and the start date of the #: two periods are the same. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [--p2--] ENCLOSING_START_TOUCHING = 4 #: The second period is inside the first period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [--p2--] ENCLOSING = 5 #: The second period is inside the first period and the end date of the #: two periods are the same. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [--p2--] ENCLOSING_END_TOUCHING = 6 #: The two periods are exactly the same. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [-----p1-----] #: [-----p2-----] EXACT_MATCH = 7 #: The first period is inside the second period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [---p1---] #: [-----p2-----] INSIDE = 8 #: The first period is inside the second period and the end date of the #: two periods are the same. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [---p1---] #: [-----p2-----] INSIDE_END_TOUCHING = 9 #: The end date of the first period is inside the second period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [---p1---] #: [-----p2-----] END_INSIDE = 10 #: The end date of the first period is same as the start date of the #: second period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [---p1---] #: [-----p2-----] END_TOUCHING = 11 #: The first period is before the second period. #: #: .. code-block:: text #: #: [---p1---] #: [-----p2-----] BEFORE = 12
[docs] def is_after(self) -> bool: """Return true if the relation is after.""" # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable return self.value == PeriodRelation.AFTER
# pylint: enable=comparison-with-callable
[docs] def is_before(self) -> bool: """Return true if the relation is before.""" # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable return self.value == PeriodRelation.BEFORE
# pylint: enable=comparison-with-callable
[docs] def contains(self) -> bool: """Return true if one period enclosing the other period.""" return self.value in (PeriodRelation.ENCLOSING_END_TOUCHING, PeriodRelation.ENCLOSING_START_TOUCHING, PeriodRelation.ENCLOSING, PeriodRelation.EXACT_MATCH)
[docs] def is_before_overlapping(self) -> bool: """Return true if one period is before but there is an overlap between the two periods.""" return self.value in (PeriodRelation.END_INSIDE, PeriodRelation.END_TOUCHING, PeriodRelation.INSIDE_START_TOUCHING)
[docs] def is_after_overlapping(self) -> bool: """Return true if one period is after but there is an overlap between the two periods.""" return self.value in (PeriodRelation.START_INSIDE, PeriodRelation.START_TOUCHING, PeriodRelation.INSIDE_END_TOUCHING)
[docs] def is_inside(self) -> bool: """Return true if one period is inside the other period.""" # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable return self.value == PeriodRelation.INSIDE
# pylint: enable=comparison-with-callable
[docs] class Period: """Create a Period from begin to last eg: [begin, last[ Args: begin: The beginning of the period. end: The ending of the period. within: If true, the given period defines a closed interval (i.e. the end date is within the period), otherwise the interval is open. """ __slots__: tuple[str, ...] = ('_begin', '_duration_unit', '_last') def __init__(self, begin: numpy.datetime64, end: numpy.datetime64, *, within: bool = False) -> None: duration_unit: str = _min_time64_unit(begin.dtype, end.dtype) #: The beginning of the period. self._begin: numpy.datetime64 = begin #: The duration unit of the period. self._duration_unit: numpy.timedelta64 = numpy.timedelta64( 1, duration_unit) #: The last date of the period. self._last: numpy.datetime64 = (end if within else end - self._duration_unit)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'[{self._begin}, {self.end()}['
[docs] def __getstate__(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: return self._begin, self._duration_unit, self._last
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state: tuple[Any, ...]) -> None: self._begin, self._duration_unit, self._last = state
[docs] @classmethod def from_duration(cls, begin: numpy.datetime64, duration: numpy.timedelta64) -> Period: """Create a Period as [begin, begin + duration[ Args: begin: The beginning of the period. duration: The duration of the period. Returns: The created period. """ return cls(begin, begin + duration)
@property def begin(self) -> numpy.datetime64: """Return the first element in the period.""" return self._begin @property def last(self) -> numpy.datetime64: """Return the last item in the period.""" return self._last
[docs] def end(self) -> numpy.datetime64: """Return one past the last element.""" return self._last + self._duration_unit
[docs] def is_null(self) -> bool: """True if period is ill formed (length is zero or less)""" return bool(self.end() <= self._begin) # numpy.bool_ -> bool
[docs] def length(self) -> numpy.timedelta64: """Return the length of the period.""" if self._last < self._begin: # invalid period return self._last + self._duration_unit - self._begin return self.end() - self._begin
[docs] def __eq__(self, rhs: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(rhs, Period): return NotImplemented return (self._begin == rhs._begin) and (self._last == rhs._last)
[docs] def __ne__(self, rhs: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(rhs, Period): return NotImplemented return (self._begin != rhs._begin) or (self._last != rhs._last)
[docs] def __lt__(self, rhs: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(rhs, Period): return NotImplemented return bool(self._last < rhs._begin) # numpy.bool_ -> bool
[docs] def shift(self, duration: numpy.timedelta64) -> None: """Shift the start and end by the specified amount. Args: duration: The amount to shift the period. """ self._begin = self._begin + duration self._last = self._last + duration
[docs] def expand(self, duration: numpy.timedelta64) -> None: """Expand the size of the period by the duration on both ends. So before expand: .. code-block:: text [-------] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 After expand(2): .. code-block:: text [----------------------] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Args: duration: The amount to expand the period. """ self._begin = self._begin - duration self._last = self._last + duration
[docs] def contains( self, other: numpy.datetime64 | Period, ) -> bool: """Check if the given period is contains this period. Args: other: The other period to check. Returns: * True if other is a date and is inside the period, zero length periods contain no points * True if other is a period and fully contains (or equals) the other period """ if isinstance(other, numpy.datetime64): return bool(self._begin <= other <= self._last) return bool((self._begin <= other.begin) and (self._last >= other.last))
[docs] def is_adjacent(self, other: Period) -> bool: """True if periods are next to each other without a gap. In the example below, p1 and p2 are adjacent, but p3 is not adjacent with either of p1 or p2. .. code-block:: text [-p1-[ [-p2-] [-p3-] Args: other: The other period to check. Returns: * True if other is a date and is adjacent to this period * True if other is a period and is adjacent to this period """ return other.begin == self.end() or self.begin == other.end()
[docs] def is_after(self, point: numpy.datetime64) -> bool: """True if all of the period is prior or point < start. In the example below only point 1 would evaluate to true. .. code-block:: text [----------[ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 Args: point: The point to check. Returns: True if point is after the period """ if self.is_null(): # null period isn't after return False return bool(point < self._begin)
[docs] def is_before(self, point: numpy.datetime64) -> bool: """True if all of the period is prior to the passed point or end <= point. In the example below points 4 and 5 return true. .. code-block:: text [----------[ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 3 4 5 Args: point: The point to check. Returns: True if point is before the period """ if self.is_null(): # null period isn't before anything return False return bool(self._last < point)
[docs] def intersects(self, other: Period) -> bool: """True if the periods overlap in any way. In the example below p1 intersects with p2, p4, and p6. .. code-block:: text [---p1---[ [---p2---[ [---p3---[ [---p4---[ [-p5-[ [-p6-[ Args: other: The other period to check. Returns: True if the periods intersect """ return bool( self.contains(other.begin) or other.contains(self._begin) or ((other.begin < self._begin) and (other.last >= self._begin)))
[docs] def intersection(self, other: Period) -> Period: """Return the period of intersection or null period if no intersection. Args: other: The other period to check. Returns: The intersection period or null period if no intersection. """ if self._begin > other.begin: if self._last <= other.last: return self return Period(self._begin, other.end()) if self._last <= other.last: return Period(other.begin, self.end()) return other
[docs] def merge(self, other: Period) -> Period: """Return the union of intersecting periods -- or null period. Args: other: The other period to merge. Returns: The union period of intersection or null if no intersection. """ if self.intersects(other): if self._begin < other.begin: return Period( self._begin, self.end() if self._last > other.last else other.end()) return Period( other.begin, self.end() if self._last > other.last else other.end()) # no intersect return null return Period(self._begin, self._begin)
[docs] def span(self, other: Period) -> Period: """Combine two periods with earliest start and latest end. Combines two periods and any gap between them such that * start = min(p1.start, p2.start) * end = max(p1.end , p2.end) .. code-block:: text [---p1---] [---p2---] result: .. code-block:: text [-----------p3----------] Args: other: The other period to combine. Returns: The combined period. """ start: numpy.datetime64 = (self._begin if self._begin < other.begin else other.begin) end: numpy.datetime64 = (other.end() if self._last < other.last else self.end()) return Period(start, end)
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # This code has a lot of "return" statements because we have to determine # the relation between the two periods among 8 different cases.
[docs] def _get_direct_relation(self, other: Period) -> PeriodRelation | None: """Get the direct relation between two periods.""" if other.last < self._begin: return PeriodRelation.AFTER if other.begin > self._last: return PeriodRelation.BEFORE if other.begin == self._begin and other.last == self._last: return PeriodRelation.EXACT_MATCH if other.last == self._begin: return PeriodRelation.START_TOUCHING if other.begin == self._last: return PeriodRelation.END_TOUCHING if self.contains(other): if other.begin == self.begin: return PeriodRelation.ENCLOSING_START_TOUCHING return (PeriodRelation.ENCLOSING_END_TOUCHING if other.last == self.last else PeriodRelation.ENCLOSING) return None
# pylint: enable=too-many-return-statements
[docs] def get_relation(self, other: Period) -> PeriodRelation: """Get the relationship between the two time periods. Args: other: Period to consider Returns: The relation. """ relation: PeriodRelation | None = self._get_direct_relation(other) if relation is not None: return relation period_contains_start: bool = other.contains(self._begin) period_contains_end: bool = other.contains(self._last) if period_contains_start and period_contains_end: if other.begin == self.begin: return PeriodRelation.INSIDE_START_TOUCHING return (PeriodRelation.INSIDE_END_TOUCHING if other.last == self.last else PeriodRelation.INSIDE) if period_contains_start: return PeriodRelation.START_INSIDE assert period_contains_end, 'Period must contain end' return PeriodRelation.END_INSIDE