Source code for zcollection.fs_utils

# Copyright (c) 2023 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
File system tools
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Iterator, Sequence
import os

import fsspec

#: Path separator

[docs] def join_path(*args: str) -> str: """Join path elements.""" return SEPARATOR.join(args)
[docs] def normalize_path(fs: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, path: str) -> str: """Normalize the path. Args: fs: file system object path: path to test Returns: Normalized path. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access # There is no public method to perform this operation. path = fs._strip_protocol(path) # type: ignore[return-value] # pylint: enable=protected-access if path == '': path = fs.sep if fs.protocol in ('file', 'memory'): return os.path.normpath(path) return path
[docs] def get_fs( filesystem: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem | str | None = None ) -> fsspec.AbstractFileSystem: """Return the file system object from the input. Args: filesystem: file system object or file system name Returns: File system object. Example: >>> from fsspec.implementations.local import LocalFileSystem >>> get_fs("hdfs") >>> get_fs(LocalFileSystem("/tmp/swot")) """ filesystem = filesystem or 'file' return (fsspec.filesystem(filesystem) if isinstance(filesystem, str) else filesystem)
[docs] def fs_walk( fs: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, path: str, sort: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[tuple[str, list[str], list[str]]]: """Return the list of files and directories in a directory. Args: fs: file system object path: path to the directory sort: if True, the list of files and directories is sorted alphabetically Returns: Iterator of (path, directories, files). """ dirs: list[str] files: list[str] dirs, files = [], [] try: listing: list[dict[str, Any]] =, detail=True) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): yield '', [], [] return for info in listing: # each info name must be at least [path]/part , but here # we check also for names like [path]/part/ pathname: str = info['name'].rstrip(SEPARATOR) name: str = pathname.rsplit(SEPARATOR, 1)[-1] if info['type'] == 'directory' and pathname != path: # do not include "self" path dirs.append(pathname) else: files.append(name) def sort_sequence(sequence: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Sort the sequence if the user wishes.""" return list(sorted(sequence)) if sort else sequence dirs = sort_sequence(dirs) yield path.rstrip(SEPARATOR), dirs, sort_sequence(files) for item in dirs: yield from fs_walk(fs, item, sort=sort)
[docs] def copy_file( source: str, target: str, fs_source: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, fs_target: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, ) -> None: """Copy a file from one location to another. Args: source: The name of the source file. target: The name of the target file. fs_source: The file system that the source file is stored on. fs_target: The file system that the target file is stored on. """ with, 'rb') as source_stream: with, 'wb') as target_stream: target_stream.write( # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def copy_files( source: Sequence[str], target: str, fs_source: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, fs_target: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, ) -> None: """Copy a list of files from one location to another. Args: source: The names of the source files. target: The name of the target directory. fs_source: The file system that the source files are stored on. fs_target: The file system that the target directory is stored on. """ tuple( map( lambda path: copy_file(path, join_path(target, os.path.basename(path)), fs_source, fs_target), source))
[docs] def copy_tree( source: str, target: str, fs_source: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, fs_target: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, ) -> None: """Copy a directory tree from one location to another. Args: source: The name of the source directory. target: The name of the target directory. fs_source: The file system that the source directory is stored on. fs_target: The file system that the target directory is stored on. Raises: ValueError: If the target already exists. """ if fs_target.exists(target): raise ValueError(f'Target {target} already exists') fs_target.mkdir(target) for root, dirs, files in tuple(fs_walk(fs_source, source)): for name in files: source_path: str = join_path(root, name) copy_file(source_path, join_path(target, os.path.relpath(source_path, source)), fs_source, fs_target) for source_path in dirs: fs_target.mkdir( join_path(target, os.path.relpath(source_path, source)))