Source code for zcollection.dataset

# Copyright (c) 2023 CNES
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import (
import ast
import collections
import dataclasses
import types

import dask.array.core
import dask.array.routines
import dask.array.wrap
import dask.base
import fsspec
import numpy
import xarray
import xarray.conventions

from . import meta, representation
from .compressed_array import CompressedArray
from .meta import BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT, Attribute, Dimension
from .type_hints import ArrayLike, NDArray, NDMaskedArray
from .variable import Array, DelayedArray, Variable, new_variable

#: Alias to type hint for the dimensions of a dataset.
DimensionType = Dict[str, int]

#: Alias to type hint for the variables of a dataset.
VariableType = OrderedDict[str, Variable]

#: Alias to type hint for the attributes of a dataset.
AttributeType = Tuple[Attribute, ...]

#: Alias to type hint for the chunk sizes for each dimension of a dataset.
ChunkType = Dict[str, Union[int, str]]

def _dask_repr(array: dask.array.core.Array) -> str:
    """Get the string representation of a dask array.

        array: A dask array.

        The string representation of the dask array.
    chunksize = tuple(item[0] for item in array.chunks)
    return f'dask.array<chunksize={chunksize}>'

def _dataset_repr(zds: Dataset) -> str:
    """Get the string representation of a dataset.

        zds: A dataset.

        The string representation of the dataset.
    # Dimensions
    dims_str: str = representation.dimensions(zds.dimensions)
    lines: list[str] = [
        f'  Dimensions: {dims_str}', 'Data variables:'
    # Variables
    if len(zds.variables) == 0:
        lines.append('    <empty>')
        width: int = representation.calculate_column_width(zds.variables)
        for name, var in zds.variables.items():
            dims_str = f"({', '.join(map(str, var.dimensions))}) "
            name_str: str = f'    {name:<{width}s} {dims_str} {var.dtype}'
            data_str: str = _dask_repr( if zds.delayed else '...'
                representation.pretty_print(f'{name_str}: {data_str}'))
    # Attributes
    if len(zds.attrs):
        lines.append('  Attributes:')
        lines += representation.attributes(zds.attrs)

    return '\n'.join(lines)

def _duplicate_delayed_array(var: DelayedArray,
                             data: dask.array.core.Array) -> DelayedArray:
    """Duplicate the variable with a new data.

        var: Variable to duplicate.
        data: The new data to use

        The duplicated variable
    return new_variable(type(var),

def _duplicate_array(var: Array, data: NDArray) -> Array:
    """Duplicate the variable with a new data.

        var: Variable to duplicate.
        data: The new data to use

        The duplicated variable
    return new_variable(type(var),

def _delete_delayed_vars(self: Dataset, indexer: slice | Sequence[int],
                         axis: str) -> list[Variable]:
    """Delete the variables along the given axis."""
    return [
            var,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            dask.array.routines.delete(var.array, indexer,
        for var in self.variables.values()

def _delete_vars(self: Dataset, indexer: slice | Sequence[int],
                 axis: str) -> list[Variable]:
    """Delete the variables along the given axis."""
    return [
            var,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            numpy.delete(var.array, indexer, var.dimensions.index(axis)))
        for var in self.variables.values()

def _update_dimensions(self: Dataset,
                       delayed: bool | None = None) -> bool | None:
    """Update the dimensions of the dataset based on its variables."""
    for var in self.variables.values():
        if delayed is None:
            delayed = isinstance(var, DelayedArray)
        elif delayed != isinstance(var, DelayedArray):
            raise ValueError(
                'the dataset contains both delayed and non-delayed '
            for idx, dim in enumerate(var.dimensions):
                if dim not in self.dimensions:
                    self.dimensions[dim] = var.array.shape[idx]
                elif self.dimensions[dim] != var.array.shape[idx]:
                    raise ValueError(f'variable {} has conflicting '
        except IndexError as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                f'variable {} has missing dimensions') from exc
    return delayed

[docs] class Dataset: """Hold variables, dimensions, and attributes that together form a dataset. Args: variables (DelayedArray | Array): A dictionary of variables in the dataset, with variable names as keys and :py:class:`Array <zcollection.variable.array.Array>` or :py:class:`DelayedArray <zcollection.variable.delayed.DelayedArray>` objects as values. attrs: A tuple of global attributes on this dataset. block_size_limit: The maximum size (in bytes) of a block/chunk of variable's data. Defaults to 128 MiB. chunks: A dictionary of chunk sizes for each dimension. delayed: A boolean indicating whether the dataset contains delayed variables (numpy arrays wrapped in dask arrays). Raises: ValueError: If the dataset contains variables with the same dimensions but with different values. ValueError: If the dataset contains both delayed and non-delayed variables. Notes: The dataset is a dictionary-like container of variables. It also holds the dimensions and attributes of the dataset. If the dataset contains delayed variables, the values are :py:class:`DelayedArray <zcollection.variable.delayed_array.DelayedArray>` objects. Otherwise, the values are :py:class:`Array <zcollection.variable.array.Array>` objects. It is impossible to mix delayed and non-delayed variables in the same dataset. """ __slots__ = ('dimensions', 'variables', 'attrs', 'chunks', 'block_size_limit', 'delayed') def __init__(self, variables: Iterable[Variable], *, attrs: Sequence[Attribute] | None = None, block_size_limit: int | None = None, chunks: Sequence[Dimension] | None = None, delayed: bool | None = None) -> None: #: The list of global attributes on this dataset self.attrs = tuple(attrs or ()) #: Dataset contents as dict of :py:class:`Variable #: <>` objects. If the dataset #: contains delayed variables, the values are :py:class:`DelayedArray #: <zcollection.variable.delayed_array.DelayedArray>` objects. #: Otherwise, the values are :py:class:`Array #: <zcollection.variable.array.Array>` objects. self.variables = collections.OrderedDict( (, item) for item in variables) #: A dictionary of dimension names and their index in the dataset self.dimensions: DimensionType = {} # Loops over each variable in the dataset and updates the dimensions # according to the shape of the array. delayed = _update_dimensions(self, delayed) #: Maximum data chunk size self.block_size_limit: int = block_size_limit or BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT #: Chunk size for each dimension self.chunks: ChunkType = { dim.value for dim in chunks or []} #: The type of variables in the dataset self.delayed: bool = delayed if delayed is not None else True
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.variables)
[docs] def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self.variables)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Variable: """Return a variable from the dataset. Args: name: The name of the variable to return Returns: The variable Raises: KeyError: If the variable is not found """ return self.variables[name]
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: if name in self.variables: return self.variables[name] raise AttributeError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'")
[docs] def __getstate__(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: return (self.dimensions, self.variables, self.attrs, self.chunks, self.block_size_limit, self.delayed)
[docs] def __setstate__( self, state: tuple[DimensionType, VariableType, AttributeType, ChunkType, int, bool] ) -> None: (self.dimensions, self.variables, self.attrs, self.chunks, self.block_size_limit, self.delayed) = state
@property def nbytes(self) -> int: """Return the total number of bytes in the dataset. Returns: The total number of bytes in the dataset """ return sum(item.nbytes for item in self.variables.values()) @property def dims_chunk(self) -> Sequence[Dimension]: """Dimensions chunk size as a tuple. Returns: Dimensions associated to their chunk size. """ return tuple(Dimension(*item) for item in self.chunks.items())
[docs] def add_variable(self, var: meta.Variable, /, data: ArrayLike[Any] | None = None) -> None: """Add a variable to the dataset. Args: var: The variable to add data: The data to add to the variable. If not provided, the variable will be created with the default fill value. Raises: ValueError: If the variable added has dimensions that conflict with existing dimensions, or if the variable has dimensions not defined in the dataset. """ if set(var.dimensions) - set(self.dimensions): raise ValueError(f'variable {} has dimensions ' f'{var.dimensions} that are not in the dataset') if data is None: shape = tuple(self.dimensions[dim] for dim in var.dimensions) data = dask.array.wrap.full( shape, var.fill_value, dtype=var.dtype) if self.delayed else numpy.full( shape, var.fill_value, dtype=var.dtype) else: for dim, size in zip(var.dimensions, data.shape): if size != self.dimensions[dim]: raise ValueError( f'Conflicting sizes for dimension {dim!r}: ' f'length {self.dimensions[dim]} on the data but length ' f'{size} defined in dataset.') self.variables[] = (DelayedArray if self.delayed else Array)(, data, var.dimensions, attrs=var.attrs, compressor=var.compressor, fill_value=var.fill_value, filters=var.filters, )
[docs] def rename(self, names: Mapping[str, str]) -> None: """Rename variables in the dataset. Args: names: A mapping from old names to new names Raises: ValueError: If the new names conflict with existing names """ for old, new in names.items(): if new in self.variables: raise ValueError(f'{new} already exists in the dataset') self.variables[new] = self.variables.pop(old).rename(new)
[docs] def drops_vars(self, names: str | Sequence[str]) -> None: """Drop variables from the dataset. Args: names: Variable names to drop. """ if isinstance(names, str) or not isinstance(names, Iterable): names = [names] tuple(map(self.variables.pop, names))
[docs] def select_vars(self, names: str | Sequence[str]) -> Dataset: """Return a new dataset containing only the selected variables. Args: names: Variable names to select. Returns: A new dataset containing only the selected variables. """ if isinstance(names, str) or not isinstance(names, Iterable): names = [names] return Dataset((self.variables[name] for name in names), attrs=self.attrs, block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit, chunks=self.dims_chunk)
[docs] def metadata(self) -> meta.Dataset: """Get the dataset metadata. Returns: Dataset metadata """ return meta.Dataset( dimensions=tuple(self.dimensions.keys()), variables=tuple(item.metadata() for item in self.variables.values()), attrs=self.attrs, chunks=tuple(Dimension(*item) for item in self.chunks.items()), block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_xarray(zds: xarray.Dataset, delayed: bool = True) -> Dataset: """Create a new dataset from a xarray dataset. Args: zds: Dataset to convert. delayed: If True, the data will be wrapped in a dask array. If False, the data will be handled as a numpy array. Returns: New dataset. """ handler: type[DelayedArray | Array] handler = DelayedArray if delayed else Array variables: list[Variable] = [ handler( name, # type: ignore[arg-type], # type: ignore[arg-type] tuple(array.dims), # type: ignore[arg-type] attrs=tuple( Attribute(*attr) # type: ignore[arg-type] for attr in array.attrs.items()), compressor=array.encoding.get('compressor', None), fill_value=array.encoding.get('_FillValue', None), filters=array.encoding.get('filters', None)) for name, array in zds.variables.items() ] return Dataset( variables=variables, attrs=tuple( Attribute(*item) # type: ignore[arg-type] for item in zds.attrs.items()), delayed=delayed, )
[docs] def to_xarray(self, **kwargs) -> xarray.Dataset: """Convert the dataset to a xarray dataset. Args: **kwargs: Additional parameters are passed through the function :py:func:`xarray.conventions.decode_cf_variables`. Returns: Dataset as a xarray dataset. """ data_vars = collections.OrderedDict( (name, var.to_xarray()) for name, var in self.variables.items()) attrs = collections.OrderedDict( (, item.value) for item in self.attrs) data_vars, attrs, coord_names = xarray.conventions.decode_cf_variables( data_vars, attrs, **kwargs) result = xarray.Dataset(data_vars, attrs=attrs) return result.set_coords(coord_names.intersection(data_vars))
[docs] def to_dict( self, variables: Sequence[str] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> dict[str, NDArray | NDMaskedArray]: """Convert the dataset to a dictionary, between the variable names and their data. Args: variables: Variables to include (default to all dataset's variables). **kwargs: Additional parameters are passed through the function :py:func:`dask.compute`. Returns: Dictionary of variables. """ variables = variables or tuple(self.variables.keys()) if self.delayed: arrays = tuple((key, for key, value in self.variables.items() if key in variables) return dict(dask.base.compute(*arrays, **kwargs)) return dict( tuple((key, value.values) for key, value in self.variables.items() if key in variables))
[docs] def set_for_insertion(self, mds: meta.Dataset) -> Dataset: """Create a new dataset ready to be inserted into a collection. Args: mds: Dataset metadata. Returns: New dataset. """ return Dataset( variables=[ var.set_for_insertion() for var in self.variables.values() ], chunks=mds.chunks, block_size_limit=mds.block_size_limit, )
[docs] def fill_attrs(self, mds: meta.Dataset) -> None: """Fill the dataset and its variables attributes using the provided metadata. Args: mds: Dataset metadata. """ self.attrs = tuple(mds.attrs) tuple( map(lambda var: var.fill_attrs(mds.variables[]), self.variables.values()))
[docs] def isel(self, slices: dict[str, Any]) -> Dataset: """Return a new dataset with each array indexed along the specified slices. Args: slices: Dictionary of dimension names and slices Returns: New dataset. """ dims_invalid: set[str] = set(slices) - set(self.dimensions) if dims_invalid: raise ValueError( f'Slices contain invalid dimension name(s): {dims_invalid}') variables: list[Variable] = [ var.isel( tuple(slices.get(dim, slice(None)) for dim in var.dimensions)) for var in self.variables.values() ] return Dataset(variables=variables, attrs=self.attrs, block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit, chunks=self.dims_chunk, delayed=self.delayed)
[docs] def delete(self, indexer: slice | Sequence[int], axis: str) -> Dataset: """Return a new dataset without the data selected by the provided indices. Args: indexer: Indices to remove along the specified axis. axis: The axis along which to delete the subarrays defined in the dataset. Returns: New dataset. """ variables: list[Variable] = _delete_delayed_vars( self, indexer, axis) if self.delayed else _delete_vars( self, indexer, axis) return Dataset(variables=variables, attrs=self.attrs, block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit, chunks=self.dims_chunk, delayed=self.delayed)
[docs] def compute(self, **kwargs) -> Dataset: """Compute the dataset variables. Args: **kwargs: Additional parameters are passed through to :py:func:`dask.array.compute`. Returns: New dataset. """ if not self.delayed: return self arrays: Iterable[NDArray] = dask.base.compute( *tuple(item.array for item in self.variables.values()), **kwargs) variables: list[Variable] = [ Array(, array, item.dimensions, attrs=item.attrs, compressor=item.compressor, fill_value=item.fill_value, filters=item.filters) for item, array in zip(self.variables.values(), arrays) ] return Dataset(variables=variables, attrs=self.attrs, chunks=self.dims_chunk, block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit, delayed=False)
[docs] def rechunk(self, **kwargs) -> Dataset: """Rechunk the dataset. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed through to :py:func:`dask.array.rechunk.rechunk`. Returns: New dataset. .. seealso:: :py:func:`dask.array.rechunk` """ if not self.delayed: return self variables: list[Variable] = [ var.rechunk(**kwargs) for var in self.variables.values() ] return Dataset(variables=variables, attrs=self.attrs, chunks=self.dims_chunk, block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit)
[docs] def persist( self, *, compress: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Dataset: """Persist the dataset variables. Args: compress: If true, compress the data loaded into memory. **kwargs: Additional parameters are passed to the function :py:func:`dask.array.Array.persist`. Returns: The dataset with the variables persisted into memory. """ if not self.delayed: return self if compress: for var in self.variables.values(): var.array = var.array.map_blocks(CompressedArray, fill_value=var.fill_value) arrays: Iterable[NDArray] = dask.base.persist( *tuple( for item in self.variables.values()), **kwargs) variables: OrderedDict[str, Variable] = self.variables for name, array in zip(self.variables, arrays): variables[name].array = array return self
[docs] def concat(self, other: Dataset | Iterable[Dataset], dim: str) -> Dataset: """Concatenate datasets along a dimension. Args: other: Datasets to concatenate. dim: Dimension along which to concatenate the datasets. Returns: New dataset. Raises: ValueError: If the provided sequence of datasets is empty. """ if not isinstance(other, Iterable): other = [other] other = tuple(other) if not other: raise ValueError('cannot concatenate an empty sequence') if not all(item.delayed == self.delayed for item in other): raise ValueError('cannot concatenate delayed and non-delayed data') variables: list[Variable] = [ var.concat(tuple(item.variables[name] for item in other), dim) for name, var in self.variables.items() ] return Dataset(variables=variables, attrs=self.attrs, block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit, chunks=self.dims_chunk, delayed=self.delayed)
[docs] def merge(self, other: Dataset) -> None: """Merge the provided dataset into this dataset. Args: other: Dataset to merge into this dataset. """ if self.delayed != other.delayed: raise ValueError('cannot merge delayed and non-delayed data') # Merge the variables for name, var in other.variables.items(): # It's impossible to merge a variable with itself. if name in self.variables: raise ValueError(f'variable {name} already exists') self.variables[name] = var # If the dataset has common dimensions, they must be identical. same_dims: set[str] = set(self.dimensions) & set(other.dimensions) if same_dims and not all(self.dimensions[dim] == other.dimensions[dim] for dim in same_dims): raise ValueError(f'dimensions {same_dims} are not identical') # Merge the dimensions. self.dimensions.update(other.dimensions) # Merge the attributes (overwriting any existing attributes). if self.attrs is None: self.attrs = other.attrs elif other.attrs is not None: attrs = dict(item.get_config() for item in self.attrs) attrs.update(item.get_config() for item in other.attrs) self.attrs = tuple(Attribute(*item) for item in attrs.items())
[docs] def select_variables_by_dims(self, dims: Sequence[str], predicate: bool = True) -> Dataset: """Return a new dataset with only the variables that have the specified dimensions if predicate is true, otherwise return a new dataset with only the variables that do not have the specified dimensions. Args: dims: Dimensions to select. predicate: If true, select variables with the specified dimensions, otherwise select variables without the specified dimensions. Returns: New dataset or None if no variables match the predicate. """ def _predicate_for_dimension_less(var: Variable) -> bool: """Return true if the variable is selected by the predicate.""" return (len(var.dimensions) == 0) == predicate def _predicate_for_dimension(var: Variable) -> bool: """Return true if the variable is selected by the predicate.""" return bool(set(var.dimensions) & set_of_dims) == predicate condition: Callable[..., bool] condition = (_predicate_for_dimension_less if not dims else _predicate_for_dimension) set_of_dims = set(dims) variables: list[Variable] = [ var for var in self.variables.values() if condition(var) ] return Dataset(variables=variables, attrs=self.attrs, chunks=self.dims_chunk, block_size_limit=self.block_size_limit)
[docs] def to_zarr(self, path: str, fs: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem | None = None, parallel: bool = True) -> None: """Write the dataset to a Zarr store. Args: path: Path to the Zarr store. fs: Filesystem to use. parallel: If true, write the data in parallel. """ if not self.delayed: raise ValueError('cannot write a non-delayed dataset to Zarr') # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, import-error # Avoid circular import import storage import sync # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel, import-error storage.write_zarr_group(self, path, fs or fsspec.filesystem('file'), sync.NoSync(), parallel)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return _dataset_repr(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return _dataset_repr(self)
[docs] def get_variable_metadata(var: Variable | meta.Variable) -> meta.Variable: """Get the variable metadata. Args: var: Variable to get the metadata for. Returns: Variable metadata. """ if isinstance(var, Variable): return var.metadata() return var
[docs] def get_dataset_variable_properties( metadata: meta.Dataset, selected_variables: Iterable[str] | None = None) -> tuple[Array, ...]: """Return the variables properties defined in the dataset. Args: metadata: Metadata dataset containing variables information. selected_variables: The variables to return. If None, all the variables are returned. Returns: The variables defined in the dataset. """ selected_variables = selected_variables or metadata.variables.keys() return tuple( Array(, numpy.ndarray((0, ) * len(v.dimensions), v.dtype), v.dimensions, attrs=v.attrs, compressor=v.compressor, fill_value=v.fill_value, filters=v.filters) for k, v in metadata.variables.items() if k in selected_variables)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class Expression: """Partitioning expressions. Args: expression: The expression to be evaluated Raises: NameError: If a variable is not defined. Example: >>> expr = Expression("a + b * sin(c)") """ #: Compiled expression to be evaluated code: types.CodeType #: Known data members __slots__: tuple[str, ...] = ('code', ) #: The builtins that are allowed in the expression. BUILTINS: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] = { 'sin': numpy.sin, 'cos': numpy.cos, 'tan': numpy.tan, 'pi': numpy.pi, 'e': numpy.e, 'exp': numpy.exp, 'log': numpy.log, 'log10': numpy.log10, 'log2': numpy.log2, 'sqrt': numpy.sqrt, 'arcsin': numpy.arcsin, 'arccos': numpy.arccos, 'arctan': numpy.arctan, 'arctan2': numpy.arctan2, 'sinh': numpy.sinh, 'cosh': numpy.cosh, 'tanh': numpy.tanh, 'arcsinh': numpy.arcsinh, 'arccosh': numpy.arccosh, 'arctanh': numpy.arctanh, 'ceil': numpy.ceil, 'floor': numpy.floor, 'round': numpy.round, 'abs': numpy.abs, 'min': numpy.min, 'max': numpy.max, 'sum': numpy.sum, 'prod':, 'mean': numpy.mean, 'std': numpy.std, 'var': numpy.var, 'median': numpy.median, 'percentile': numpy.percentile, 'power': numpy.power, 'mod': numpy.mod, 'fmod': numpy.fmod, 'remainder': numpy.remainder, 'isfinite': numpy.isfinite, 'isinf': numpy.isinf, 'isnan': numpy.isnan, 'isnat': numpy.isnat, } def __init__(self, expression: str) -> None: self.code = compile(ast.parse(expression, mode='eval'), ' ', 'eval')
[docs] def __call__(self, zds: Dataset) -> dask.array.core.Array: try: __locals: dict[str, Any] = { name: zds.variables[name].data for name in self.code.co_names if name not in self.BUILTINS } # pylint: disable=eval-used # The eval function is used here to evaluate a simple expression. # The only builtin functions allowed is the range function. return eval(self.code, {'__builtins__': self.BUILTINS}, __locals) # pylint: enable=eval-used except KeyError as exc: raise NameError( f'Variable {exc} is not defined in the dataset') from exc